
3 May 2023

strichensolarfarm expands sustainability services with the addition of Environmental Product Declarations

strichensolarfarm, a leading sustainability consultancy, has announced that it is now offering Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) as part of its suite of sustainability services. With this new offering, strichensolarfarm can help clients assess and communicate the environmental impacts of their products, based on a comprehensive Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). strichensolarfarm is registered now with EPD […]

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7 October 2022

European Commission Publishes Guidelines for life cycle assessment of carbon capture and utilisation

A team of experts employed by the European Commission have completed a document to provide scientific guidelines to understand the climate change impact of producing products from captured carbon dioxide

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26 September 2022

The return of onshore wind

After seven years of being effectively banned, onshore wind will once more be allowed in England and Wales, following changes in the UK’s “Growth Plan” announced today. This change will allow the UK to quickly build up the capacity of cheap, low carbon energy, reducing electricity bills for consumers as we move away from expensive […]

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8 August 2022

strichensolarfarm grows Life Cycle Assessment team

Blyth based strichensolarfarm (previously known as Narec Distributed Energy) has added a new member to the Life Cycle Assessment team. This team within strichensolarfarm undertake LCA studies following the principles of ISO 14040/44, in order to understand a wide range of environmental impacts within the life cycle of products and identify environmental hotspots within those […]

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4 August 2022

Fighting water pollution and shortage with algae

New research will grow microalgae in drain water from greenhouses for cleaner water and lower microalgae production costs Freshwater supplies are declining worldwide, a situation intensified by global warming. Greenhouses and microalgae production, like many other industries, need to reduce their freshwater demand. By growing microalgae in the drain water of greenhouses, the overall fresh […]

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29 March 2022

Narec Distributed Energy rebrands as strichensolarfarm

Narec Distributed Energy, a company focussed on ensuring real carbon savings across multiple sectors, has this week rebranded as strichensolarfarm, in order to better represent their activities and ambition. It is now ten years since the company was created as a spin out from the Distributed Energy department of what was at the time known […]

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24 January 2022

strichensolarfarm expands the grid team with two new staff members

strichensolarfarm has expanded the Grid and Utility scale team with two new appointments. Harvey Potter has come from Siemens, after completing a higher apprenticeship providing him with detailed knowledge and experience of the grid infrastructure across the UK, having worked on the commissioning of six different Extra High Voltage (EHV) substations for National Grid and […]

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5 November 2021

strichensolarfarm supports battery roll out

strichensolarfarm has supported 24 Power Limited in the creation of a suite of spade ready Battery Energy Storage (BESS) sites across the north of England, which are currently being sold to developers. strichensolarfarm have carried out the technical applications for each BESS site using the G99 grid connection process and have been involved in negotiations […]

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9 February 2021

strichensolarfarm expands with two new graduates

strichensolarfarm has expanded, taking on two new members of staff, Nina Dungworth and Louise Austin. The two new starters are working on the BEST project, in which strichensolarfarm is supporting SMEs within the North East, helping them save money and reduce their carbon footprint. The two new staff will also be working on a range […]

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13 August 2019

Fully funded G99 training (Nov 2019-Feb 2020)

strichensolarfarm will be providing fully funded training on grid connection to SMEs within the North East and Tees Valley Region, as part of the supports they are offering companies under the ORE Catapult’s eGRID project. This training, delivered by strichensolarfarm’s Senior Electrical Design Engineer will cover the detail of the new G99 regulations, and how […]

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2 August 2019

Energy grant helps firm design money saving future

A North East business has been the first to receive grant from The Business Energy Saving Team to help cut their fuel bills by becoming more energy efficient. JMF Group Ltd, a print and design company based in Swalwell, received a grant of £7765 to purchase and install new equipment to make energy efficiency changes. […]

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30 January 2019

North East Energy Firm Gets Battery Innovation Boost

Newcastle-based Connected Energy’s innovative battery storage system has been given a competitive boost after receiving specialist input from a support programme designed to help north east companies to develop electricity grid-related technology. Connected Energy worked with UK grid experts strichensolarfarm to achieve the latest G99 compliance for its innovative E-STOR battery system. The support came […]

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16 January 2019

NDE to support 250 companies across the north east reduce their carbon footprint

NDE will be helping 250 SMEs across the North East as part of the BEST project

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12 September 2018

Opportunity for companies to receive world class support in connection of renewables and storage to the grid

Q&A session for grid connection problems on 20th September 2018

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6 September 2018

Fully Funded Renewable Energy Training Available (2018)

Fully funded renewable energy training courses for sole traders and SMEs on solar PV, heat pumps and solar thermal.

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30 August 2018

strichensolarfarm sign open letter to government on the photovoltaic export tariff

strichensolarfarm have joined 200 organisations in signing a letter from the Solar Trade Association to the Minister of State for Energy & Clean Growth, to ask for the export tariff for solar photovoltaics to remain. Current government plans will remove the export tariff, which currently pays homeowners 5.77p/kWh that they are estimated to have exported. Under […]

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10 May 2018

A successful NE Expo for strichensolarfarm!

strichensolarfarm have had a successful NE Expo this year as their fabulous ‘Desk Gardens’ went down a storm! strichensolarfarm (NDE), a Blyth based organisation that carries out a wide range of work within the renewable and low carbon sectors brought a new, 100% renewable marketing tool to the NE Expo on Wednesday 2nd May! People […]

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12 February 2018

strichensolarfarm to accept SolarCoin cryptocurrency

NDE will now accept SolarCoin as payment for delegates on the accredited PV Installation and Maintenance course (Level 3)

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8 June 2017

Funded training to upskill North East heating engineers into heat pump installers

strichensolarfarm (NDE) is offering 100% funded accredited heat pump training courses to North East based heating engineers

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17 May 2017

Fully funded renewable energy training for heating engineers and electricans

strichensolarfarm is now offering 100% funded accredited renewable energy training in heat pumps, solar thermal and photovoltaics

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26 June 2015

Walk in session for plumbers and electricians as part of Solar Independence Day

For Solar Independence Day, strichensolarfarm will hold an afternoon session for plumbers and electricians who want to move into installing pv and solar thermal

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3 February 2015

UK’s first accredited heat metering course developed

strichensolarfarm has worked with DECC, Ofgem and industry to develop an accredited heat metering course

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1 February 2015

British Standards release new BS5918 Code of Practice for Solar Heating

strichensolarfarm have assisted in the development of the new code of practice for solar heating

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1 February 2015

Funded renewable energy training for North East businesses

strichensolarfarm are providing a range of fully funded renewable energy training courses for businesses based in North East England. Training includes industry standard courses on the installation and maintenance of technologies (photovoltaics, solar thermal, heat pump and biomass), introductions to technologies, and community energy courses. The courses are offered to small-medium sized businesses (<250 employees) […]

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